The Wesley College Curriculum
The Wesley College curriculum aims to offer a broad and stimulating experience for all students. We follow the New Zealand Curriculum and weave our special character into the learning so that students enjoy learning that is uniquely Wesley. Our curriculum focuses delivering subject knowledge through the following:
Foundational skills: Literacy, numeracy and digital fluency.
Human skills: Collaboration, Independent thinking, Confidence, Entrepreneurship, Creativity
In addition to subject teachers, all students have a learning coach that they meet with twice a week. The aim of the learning coach is for students to receive academically focused coaching to help them achieve their goals. The learning coach will take a holistic approach to helping the student as well as hosting a 3-way student led conference with whanau twice a year.
Junior School
The junior curriculum consists of the core subjects of Maths, Science, English, Social Studies, Physical Education and Te Reo Maori. Students also follow 1 term of Digital technology, Hard materials technology, Art and Music. Life and Faith is taught once a week throughout the whole year. Subject knowledge is gained through foundational skills which are taught at all year levels, however there is a particular focus on foundational skills at years 9 and 10. This approach allows our students to have the best opportunity when attempting the new literacy and numeracy co-requisites.
Students in all subjects follow a themed approach in the junior school in line with Aotearoa New Zealand Histories as follows:
Term 1 - Tangata Whenua
Term 2 - Colonisation
Term 3 - Relationships
Term 4 - Power
Senior School
The aim of Year 11 is to create a foundational year building the necessary skills for year 12 and 13 and to either enter the workplace or continue into further education. As you will see on the curriculum map, we offer subjects that align with the junior school so that students can build knowledge and skills throughout their time at Wesley College. Students will continue to study Life and Faith through to year 13 as part of our special character. Year 11 and follow 2 periods of project based learning that focuses on developing important personal skills whereby students get to take part in learning that serves community projects.
In year 13, students choose 5 subjects. All subjects offered at Level 3 are University Entrance approved. In addition to their 5 core subjects, Level 3 students will follow 1 period of Life and Faith and 2 periods of facilitated independent study time. This allows students time and space to finish assignments.
Option Selection
Students in Years 10—12 are invited to explore the options available for 2024 using the curriculum map and the option selection page on your Toku Ara Ako.
The timeline for making course decisions for 2024 is below. Students should discuss their choices for 2024 with their learning coach and their parents to ensure they complement their particular pathway.
- Sunday, 9th September 2023 – NCEA information evening for students and parents
- Monday, 10th September 2023 – Option selection open for years 10-12
- Friday, September 22nd 2023 — Student led conferences / Option selection closes
2024 Curriculum Information
Learning Areas View Details Subject Map