Student Council Update
Toku manaaki toku toiora. Toku toiora toku manaaki.
When service is my well-being, my well-being is served.
1 Peter 4:10 - 11. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies.
The Student Council is currently made up of 11 students from across the year levels and is supported by Deputy Principal, Mrs Saunders.
The council recently consulted students on the current uniform policy and on the timetable. Fabric samples for potential changes to the uniform have been requested from the supplier and will be shared with the council for discussion when they arrive. Any proposed changes will go out to the wider student body and to our whaanau for consultation. Student feedback on the timetable is being used to inform timetable planning for 2025.
The council has also been discussing the redevelopment of the old Denton area. Students are strongly in favour of more covered seating areas. Other student suggestions included the introduction of a half-court basketball, a volleyball court and playground equipment. The idea of a goldfish pond was raised and rejected by the council. An outdoor amphitheatre style learning space was also a popular suggestion.
A suggestion box will be placed in the library to encourage students to share their ideas with the council.
The next council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 27th August.
Mrs Charlotte Saunders
Deputy Principal