Practice Exams and Literacy & Numeracy Exams
Practice Exams and Literacy & Numeracy Exams

Practice Exams for Seniors commence on Monday, 9th September - Friday, 13th September 2024 
Practice Exams Timetable

Literacy and Numeracy Exams commence on Wednesday, 18th September - Friday, 20th September 2024. 
NCEA - 10 Literacy or Te Reo Matatini credits, and 10 Numeracy or Te Pāngarau credits. You only need to meet the Literacy and Numeracy or Te Reo Matatini and Te Pāngarau requirement once. After you've met the requirement, it counts for every level of NCEA.  For more information go to the NQZA website:

This article was originally posted on: August, 29th 2024